Presidents of the United States of America

# Name Party Served Full Partial States Reason for leaving
1George WashingtonF1789-17972*-11*/15Did not seek reelection.
2John AdamsF1797-18011-16Defeated.
3Thomas JeffersonDR1801-18092-16/17Did not seek reelection.
4James Madison (Jr.)DR1809-18172-17/18Did not seek reelection.
5James MonroeDR1817-18252-19/24Did not seek reelection.
6John Quincy AdamsDR1825-18291-24Defeated.
7Andrew JacksonD1829-18372-24Did not seek reelection.
8Martin Van BurenD1837-18411-26Defeated.
9William Henry HarrisionW18410Started26Died of pneumonia.
10John Tyler (Jr.)W1841-18450Finished26Did not seek reelection.
11James Knox PolkD1845-18491-26Did not seek reelection.
12Zachary TaylorW1849-18500Started30Died of cholera morbus.
13Millard FillmoreW1850-18530Finished30Lost party nomination. Defeated in 1856.
14Franklin PierceD1853-18571-31Lost party nomination.
15James Buchanan (Jr.)D1857-18611-31Did not seek reelection.
16Abraham LincolnR1861-18651Started33/36*Assassinated.
17Andrew JohnsonD*1865-18690Finished36*Lost party nomination.
18Ulysses Simpson Grant
[Hiram Ulysses Grant]
R1869-18772-37*Did not seek reelection. Lost party nomination in 1880.
19Rutherford Birchard HayesR1877-18811-38Did not seek reelection.
20James Abram GarfieldR18810Started38Assassinated.
21Chester Alan ArthurR1881-18850Finished38Lost party nomination.
22*Grover Cleveland
[Stephen Grover Cleveland]
D1885-18891-38Defeated. Elected again in 1892 (see below).
23Benjamin HarrisionR1889-18931-38Defeated.
24*Grover Cleveland
[Stephen Grover Cleveland]
D1893-18971-44Did not seek reelection.
25William McKinley (Jr.)R1897-19011Started45Assassinated.
26Theodore Roosevelt (Jr.)R1901-19091Finished45Did not seek reelection. Defeated in 1912.
27William Howard TaftR1909-19131-46Defeated.
28Woodrow Wilson
[Thomas Woodrow Wilson]
D1913-19212-48Did not seek reelection.
29Warren Gamaliel HardingR1921-19230Started48Died of stroke.
30Calvin Coolidge
[John Calvin Coolidge]
R1923-19291Finished48Did not seek reelection.
31Herbert Clark HooverR1929-19331-48Defeated.
32Franklin Delano RooseveltD1933-19453*Started48Died of cerebral hemorrhage.
33Harry S TrumanD1945-19531Finished48Did not seek reelection.
34Dwight David Eisenhower
[David Dwight Eisenhower]
R1953-19612-48Could not run again due to 22nd Amendment.
35John Fitzgerald KennedyD1961-19630Started50Assassinated.
36Lyndon Baines JohnsonD1963-19691Finished50+DCDid not seek reelection.
37Richard Milhous NixonR1969-19741Started50+DCResigned.
38Gerald Rudolph Ford (Jr.)
[Leslie Lynch King, Jr.]
39James Earl Carter (Jr.)D1977-19811-50+DCDefeated.
40Ronald Wilson ReaganR1981-19892-50+DCCould not run again due to 22nd Amendment.
41George Herbert Walker BushR1989-19931-50+DCDefeated.
42William Jefferson Clinton
[William Jefferson Blythe IV]
D1993-20012-50+DCCould not run again due to 22nd Amendment.
43George Walker BushR2001-0In office50+DCn/a


Last updated March 25, 2002.

Presidents of the United States of America / Copyright © 1995-2002, Jeffrey A. Wolfe /