Notable Dates in the History of the Government of the United States of America

Including: Continental Congresses, Articles of Confederation, Constitution, Presidents and Vice Presidents, Chief Justices, and States

British Colonies, Independent States, Confederation
Date Event
1774-Sep-5 First Continental Congress convened
1775-May-10 Second Continental Congress convened
1776-Jul-2 Congress voted for independence
1776-Jul-4 Declaration of Independence adopted
1777-Nov-15 Articles of Confederation drafted
1781-Mar-1 Articles of Confederation ratified
1783-Sep-3 Treaty of Paris signed (Ending American Revolutionary War)
1784-Jan-14 Congress ratified Treaty of Paris
1787-Sep-17 Constitution submitted to the states
1787-Dec-7 Delaware ratified Constitution
1787-Dec-12 Pennsylvania ratified Constitution
1787-Dec-18 New Jersey ratified Constitution
1788-Jan-2 Georgia ratified Constitution
1788-Jan-9 Connecticut ratified Constitution
1788-Feb-6 Massachusetts ratified Constitution
1788-Apr-28 Maryland ratified Constitution
1788-May-23 South Carolina ratified Constitution
Federal Republic
Date Event President Vice President Chief Justice States LFP
1788-Jun-21 New Hampshire ratified Constitution and by its terms, it took effect None None None 9 0
1788-Jun-25 Virginia ratified Constitution 10
1788-Jul-26 New York ratified Constitution 11
1789-Mar-4 1st Congress convened
1789-Apr-30 Washington/Adams sworn in (1789 election*)

1. George Washington - Federalist
(b. February 22, 1732 [February 11, 1731, O.S.], Westmoreland County [now Wakefield], VA)

1. John Adams
(2nd President)
1789-Oct-19 Chief Justice John Jay sworn in Jay
1789-Nov-21 North Carolina ratified Constitution 12
1790-May-29 Rhode Island ratified Constitution 13
1791-Mar-4 Vermont admitted 14
1791-Oct-24 2nd Congress convened
1791-Dec-15 Amendment I (Affirming freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly, petitioning) ratified*
1791-Dec-15 Amendment II (Affirming right to bear arms) ratified*
1791-Dec-15 Amendment III (Regarding quartering of soldiers) ratified*
1791-Dec-15 Amendment IV (Regarding searches and warrants) ratified*
1791-Dec-15 Amendment V (Regarding indictments, double jeopardy, self incrimination, due process, takings) ratified*
1791-Dec-15 Amendment VI (Regarding criminal trials) ratified*
1791-Dec-15 Amendment VII (Regarding trial by jury) ratified*
1791-Dec-15 Amendment VIII (Regarding excessive bail and fines, cruel and unusual punishments) ratified*
1791-Dec-15 Amendment IX (Indicating that enumeration of certain rights does not deny or disparage others retained by the people) ratified*
1791-Dec-15 Amendment X (Indicating that powers not delegated to the United States are retained by the states or the people) ratified*
1792-Jun-1 Kentucky admitted 15
1793-Mar-4 Washington/Adams sworn in (1792 election)
1793-Dec-2 3rd Congress convened
1795-Feb-7 Amendment XI (Altering judicial powers) ratified
1795-Jun-29 Chief Justice John Jay resigned None
1795-Aug-12 Chief Justice John Rutledge sworn in during Senate recess Rutledge
1795-Dec-7 4th Congress convened
1795-Dec-15 Chief Justice John Rutledge stepped down after Senate failed to confirm him None
1796-Mar-8 Chief Justice Oliver Ellsworth sworn in Ellsworth
1796-Jun-1 Tennessee admitted 16
1797-Mar-4 Adams/Jefferson sworn in (1796 election) 2. John Adams - Federalist
(b. October 30, 1735 [October 19, 1735, O.S.], Braintree [now Quincy], MA)
2. Thomas Jefferson
(3rd President)
1797-May-15 5th Congress convened
1799-Dec-2 6th Congress convened
1799-Dec-14 Former President George Washington died (age 67) 0
1800-Nov-1 President Adams became the first President to live in the White House in Washington, DC.
1800-Nov-17 Congress first met in the Capitol building in Washington, DC
1800-Dec-15 Chief Justice Oliver Ellsworth resigned None
1801-Feb-4 Chief Justice John Marshall sworn in Marshall
1801-Mar-4 Jefferson/Burr sworn in (1800 election) 3. Thomas Jefferson - Democratic-Republican
(b. April 13, 1743 [April 2, 1743, O.S.], Shadwell, VA)
3. Aaron Burr
(b. February 6, 1756, Newark, NJ)
1801-Dec-7 7th Congress convened
1803-Mar-1 Ohio admitted 17
1803-Oct-17 8th Congress convened
1804-Jun-15 Amendment XII (Altering Presidential election procedures) ratified
1805-Mar-4 Jefferson/Clinton sworn in (1804 election) 4. George Clinton
(b. July 26, 1739 [July 15, 1739, O.S.], Little Britain, NY)
1805-Dec-2 9th Congress convened
1807-Oct-26 10th Congress convened
1809-Mar-4 Madison/Clinton sworn in (1808 election) 4. James Madison - Democratic-Republican
(b. March 16, 1751 [March 5, 1750, O.S.], Port Conway, VA)
1809-May-22 11th Congress convened
1811-Nov-4 12th Congress convened
1812-Apr-20 Vice President George Clinton died (age 72) in office (heart attack) None
1812-Apr-30 Louisiana admitted 18
1812-Jun-18 United States declared war on Great Britain (War of 1812)*
1813-Mar-4 Madison/Gerry sworn in (1812 election) 5. Elbridge Gerry
(b. July 17, 1744 [July 6, 1744, O.S.], Marblehead, MA)
1813-May-24 13th Congress convened
1814-Nov-23 Vice President Elbridge Gerry died (age 70) in office (chest pains) None
1815-Dec-4 14th Congress convened
1816-Dec-11 Indiana admitted 19
1817-Mar-4 Monroe/Tompkins sworn in (1816 election) 5. James Monroe - Democratic-Republican
(b. April 28, 1758, Westmoreland County, VA)

6. Daniel D. Tompkins
(b. Daniel Tompkins,
June 21, 1774, Scarsdale, NY)

1817-Dec-1 15th Congress convened
1817-Dec-10 Mississippi admitted 20
1818-Dec-3 Illinois admitted 21
1819-Dec-6 16th Congress convened
1819-Dec-14 Alabama admitted 22
1820-Mar-5 Maine admitted (split from Massachusetts) 23
1821-Mar-4 Monroe/Tompkins sworn in (1820 election)
1821-Aug-10 Missouri admitted 24
1821-Dec-3 17th Congress convened
1823-Dec-1 18th Congress convened
1825-Mar-4 Adams/Calhoun sworn in (1824 election) 6. John Quincy Adams - Democratic-Republican
(b. July 11, 1767, Braintree [now Quincy], MA)
7. John Caldwell Calhoun
(b. March 18, 1782, near Abbeville, SC)
1825-Jun-11 Former Vice President Daniel Tompkins died (age 50)
1825-Dec-5 19th Congress convened
1826-Jul-4 Former President Thomas Jefferson died (age 83) 3
1826-Jul-4 Former President John Adams died (age 90) 2
1827-Dec-3 20th Congress convened
1829-Mar-4 Jackson/Calhoun sworn in (1828 election) 7. Andrew Jackson - Democrat
(b. March 15, 1767, Waxhaw, SC)
1829-Dec-7 21st Congress convened
1831-Jul-4 Former President James Monroe died (age 73) 2
1831-Dec-5 22nd Congress convened
1832-Dec-28 Vice President John Calhoun resigned None
1833-Mar-4 Jackson/Van Buren sworn in (1832 election) 8. Martin Van Buren
(8th President)
1833-Dec-2 23rd Congress convened
1835-Jul-6 Chief Justice John Marshall died in office None
1835-Dec-7 24th Congress convened
1836-Mar-28 Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney sworn in Taney
1836-Jun-15 Arkansas admitted 25
1836-Jun-28 Former President James Madison died (age 85) 1
1836-Sep-14 Former Vice President Aaron Burr died (age 80)
1837-Jan-26 Michigan admitted 26
1837-Mar-4 Van Buren/Johnson sworn in (1836 election) 8. Martin Van Buren - Democrat
(b. December 5, 1785, Kinderhook, NY)
9. Richard Mentor Johnson
(b. October 17, 1780, Beargrass, KY)
1837-Sep-4 25th Congress convened
1839-Dec-2 26th Congress convened
1841-Mar-4 Harrison/Tyler sworn in (1840 election) 9. William Henry Harrison - Whig
(b. February 9, 1773, Berkeley, VA)
10. John Tyler
(10th President)
1841-Apr-4 President William Harrison died (age 68) in office (pneumonia) 10. John Tyler - Whig
(b. March 29, 1790, Greenway, VA)
1841-Apr-6 John Tyler sworn in as President
1841-May-31 27th Congress convened
1843-Dec-4 28th Congress convened
1845-Mar-3 Florida admitted 27
1845-Mar-4 Polk/Dallas sworn in (1844 election) 11. James Knox Polk - Democrat
(b. November 2, 1795, Mecklenburg County, NC)
11. George Mifflin Dallas
(b. July 10, 1792, Philadelphia, PA)
1845-Jun-8 Former President Andrew Jackson died (age 78) 3
1845-Dec-1 29th Congress convened
1845-Dec-29 Texas admitted 28
1846-May-13 United States declared war on Mexico (Mexican-American War)*
1846-Dec-28 Iowa admitted 29
1847-Dec-6 30th Congress convened
1848-Feb-23 Former President John Quincy Adams died (age 80) 2
1848-May-29 Wisconsin admitted 30
1849-Mar-4 Taylor/Fillmore term began (1848 election) 12. Zachary Taylor - Whig
(b. November 24, 1784, Orange County, VA)
12. Millard Fillmore
(13th President)
1849-Mar-5 Taylor/Fillmore sworn in
1849-Jun-15 Former President James Polk died (age 53) 2
1849-Dec-3 31st Congress convened
1850-Mar-31 Former Vice President John Calhoun died (age 68)
1850-Jul-9 President Zachary Taylor died (age 65) in office (cholera morbus) 13. Millard Fillmore - Whig
(b. January 7, 1800, Cayuga County, NY)
1850-Jul-10 Millard Fillmore sworn in as President
1850-Sep-9 California admitted 31
1850-Nov-19 Former Vice President Richard Johnson died (age 70)
1851-Dec-1 32nd Congress convened
1853-Mar-4 Pierce/King sworn in (1852 election) 14. Franklin Pierce - Democrat
(b. November 23, 1804, Hillsboro, NH)
13. William Rufus de Vane King
(b. April 7, 1786, Sampson County, NC)
1853-Apr-18 Vice President William King died (age 67) in office (tuberculosis) None
1853-Dec-5 33rd Congress convened
1855-Dec-3 34th Congress convened
1857-Mar-4 Buchanan/Breckinridge sworn in (1856 election) 15. James Buchanan - Democrat
(b. April 23, 1791, Mercersburg, PA)
14. John Cabell Breckinridge
(b. January 16, 1821, near Lexington, KY)
1857-Dec-7 35th Congress convened
1858-May-11 Minnesota admitted 32
1859-Feb-14 Oregon admitted 33
1859-Dec-5 36th Congress convened
1860-Dec-20 South Carolina seceded* 33/32*
1861-Jan-9 Mississippi seceded* 33/31*
1861-Jan-10 Florida seceded* 33/30*
1861-Jan-11 Alabama seceded* 33/29*
1861-Jan-19 Georgia seceded* 33/28*
1861-Jan-26 Louisiana seceded* 33/27*
1861-Jan-29 Kansas admitted 34/28*
1861-Mar-2 Texas seceded* 34/27*
1861-Mar-4 Lincoln/Hamlin sworn in (1860 election) 16. Abraham Lincoln - Republican*
(b. Feburary 12, 1809, Hardin County [now Larue], KY)
15. Hannibal Hamlin
(b. August 27, 1809, Paris Hill, ME)
1861-May-6 Arkansas seceded* 34/26*
1861-May-20 North Carolina seceded* 34/25*
1861-May-23 Virginia seceded* 34/24*
1861-Jun-8 Tennessee seceded* 34/23*
1861-Jul-4 37th Congress convened
1862-Jan-18 Former President John Tyler died (age 71) 4
1862-Jul-24 Former President Martin Van Buren died (age 76) 3
1863-Jun-20 West Virginia admitted (split from Virginia) 35/24*
1863-Dec-7 38th Congress convened
1864-Oct-12 Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney died in office None
1864-Oct-31 Nevada admitted 36/25*
1864-Dec-15 Chief Justice Salmon Portland Chase sworn in Chase
1864-Dec-31 Former Vice President George Dallas died (age 72)
1865-Mar-4 Lincoln/Johnson sworn in (1864 election) 16. Andrew Johnson
(17th President)
1865-Apr-15 President Abraham Lincoln died (age 56) in office (assassination) 17. Andrew Johnson - Democrat*
(b. December 29, 1808, Raleigh, NC)
1865-Apr-15 Andrew Johnson sworn in as President
1865-Dec-4 39th Congress convened
1865-Dec-6 Amendment XIII (Abolishing slavery) ratified
1866-Jul-24 Tennessee readmitted* 36/26*
1867-Mar-1 Nebraska admitted 37/27*
1867-Mar-4 40th Congress convened
1868-Feb-24 Andrew Johnson impeached (11 articles of impeachment)*
1868-May-16 Andrew Johnson acquitted on 11th article of impeachment
1868-May-26 Andrew Johnson acquitted on first ten articles of impeachment
1868-Jun-1 Former President James Buchanan died (age 77) 2
1868-Jun-22 Arkansas readmitted* 37/28*
1868-Jun-25 North Carolina readmitted* 37/29*
1868-Jun-25 South Carolina readmitted* 37/30*
1868-Jun-25 Louisiana readmitted* 37/31*
1868-Jun-25 Alabama readmitted* 37/32*
1868-Jun-25 Florida readmitted* 37/33*
1868-Jun-25 Georgia first readmitted* 37/34*
1868-Jul-9 Amendment XIV (Affirming rights of citizenship) ratified
1869-Mar-4 Grant/Colfax sworn in (1868 election) 18. Ulysses Simpson Grant - Republican
(b. Hiram Ulysses Grant,
April 27, 1822, Point Pleasant, OH)
17. Schuyler Colfax (b. March 23, 1823, New York, NY) 3
1869-Mar-4 41st Congress convened
1869-Oct-8 Former President Franklin Pierce died (age 64) 2
1869-Dec-22 Second reconstruction for Georgia began* 37/33*
1870-Jan-25 Virginia readmitted* 37/34*
1870-Feb-3 Amendment XV (Race-neutral suffrage) ratified
1870-Feb-23 Mississippi readmitted* 37/35*
1870-Mar-30 Texas readmitted* 37/36*
1870-Jul-15 Georgia readmitted again* 37
1871-Mar-4 42nd Congress convened
1873-Mar-4 Grant/Wilson sworn in (1872 election) 18. Henry Wilson
(b. Jeremiah Jones Colbath,
February 16, 1812, Farmington, NH)
1873-May-7 Chief Justice Salmon Portland Chase died in office None
1873-Dec-1 43rd Congress convened
1874-Mar-4 Chief Justice Morrison Remick Waite sworn in Waite
1874-Mar-8 Former President Millard Fillmore died (age 74) 1
1875-May-17 Former Vice President John Breckinridge died (age 54)
1875-Jul-31 Former President Andrew Johnson died (age 66) 0
1875-Nov-22 Vice President Henry Wilson died (age 63) in office (stroke) None
1875-Dec-6 44th Congress convened
1876-Aug-1 Colorado admitted 38
1877-Mar-4 Hayes/Wheeler sworn in (1876 election) 19. Rutherford Birchard Hayes - Republican
(b. October 4, 1822, Delaware, OH)
19. William Almon Wheeler
(b. June 30, 1819, Malone, NY)
1877-Oct-15 45th Congress convened
1879-Mar-18 46th Congress convened
1881-Mar-4 Garfield/Arthur sworn in (1880 election) 20. James Abram Garfield - Republican
(b. November 19, 1831, Orange, OH)
20. Chester Alan Arthur
(21st President)
1881-Sep-19 President James Garfield died (age 59) in office (assassination) 21. Chester Alan Arthur - Republican
(b. October 5, 1829, Fairfield, VT)
1881-Sep-20 Chester Arthur sworn in as President
1881-Dec-5 47th Congress convened
1883-Dec-3 48th Congress convened
1885-Jan-13 Former Vice President Schuyler Colfax died (age 61)
1885-Mar-4 Cleveland/Hendricks sworn in (1884 election) 22. Grover Cleveland - Democrat
(b. Stephen Grover Cleveland,
March 18, 1837, Caldwell, NJ)
21. Thomas Andrews Hendricks
(b. September 7, 1819, near Zanesville, OH)
1885-Jul-23 Former President Ulysses Grant died (age 63) 2
1885-Nov-25 Vice President Thomas Hendricks died (age 66) in office (in his sleep) None
1885-Dec-7 49th Congress convened
1886-Nov-18 Former President Chester Arthur died (age 57) 1
1887-Jun-4 Former Vice President William Wheeler died (age 67)
1887-Dec-5 50th Congress convened
1888-Mar-23 Chief Justice Morrison Remick Waite died in office None
1888-Oct-8 Chief Justice Melville Weston Fuller sworn in Fuller
1889-Mar-4 Harrison/Morton sworn in (1888 election) 23. Benjamin Harrision - Republican
(b. August 20, 1833, North Bend, OH)
22. Levi Parsons Morton
(b. May 16, 1824, Shoreham, VT)
1889-Nov-2 North Dakota admitted 39
1889-Nov-2 South Dakota admitted 40
1889-Nov-8 Montana admitted 41
1889-Nov-11 Washington admitted 42
1889-Dec-2 51st Congress convened
1890-Jul-3 Idaho admitted 43
1890-Jul-10 Wyoming admitted 44
1891-Jul-4 Former Vice President Hannibal Hamlin died (age 81)
1891-Dec-7 52nd Congress convened
1893-Jan-17 Former President Rutherford Hayes died (age 70) 1
1893-Mar-4 Cleveland/Stevenson sworn in (1892 election) 24. Grover Cleveland
(22nd President)
23. Adlai Ewing Stevenson
(b. October 23, 1835, Christian County, KY)
1893-Aug-7 53rd Congress convened
1895-Dec-2 54th Congress convened
1896-Jan-4 Utah admitted 45
1897-Mar-4 McKinley/Hobart sworn in (1896 election) 25. William McKinley - Republican
(b. January 29, 1843, Niles, OH)
24. Garret Augustus Hobart
(b. June 3, 1844, Long Branch, NJ)
1897-Mar-15 55th Congress convened
1898-Apr-25 United States declared war on Spain (Spanish-American War)*
1899-Nov-21 Vice President Garret Hobart died (age 55) in office (heart problems) None
1899-Dec-4 56th Congress convened
1901-Mar-4 McKinley/Roosevelt sworn in (1900 election) 25. Theodore Roosevelt
(26th President)
1901-Mar-13 Former President Benjamin Harrison died (age 67) 1
1901-Sep-14 President William McKinley died (age 58) in office (assassination) 26. Theodore Roosevelt - Republican
(b. October 27, 1858, New York, NY)
1901-Sep-14 Theodore Roosevelt sworn in as President
1901-Dec-2 57th Congress convened
1903-Nov-9 58th Congress convened
1905-Mar-4 Roosevelt/Fairbanks sworn in (1904 election) 26. Charles Warren Fairbanks
(b. May 11, 1852, near Unionville Center, Ohio)
1905-Dec-4 59th Congress convened
1907-Nov-16 Oklahoma admitted 46
1907-Dec-2 60th Congress convened
1908-Jun-24 Former President Grover Cleveland died (age 71) 0
1909-Mar-4 Taft/Sherman sworn in (1908 election) 27. William Howard Taft - Republican
(b. September 15, 1857, Cincinnati, OH)
27. James Schoolcraft Sherman
(b. October 24, 1855, Utica, NY)
1909-Mar-15 61st Congress convened
1910-Jul-4 Chief Justice Melville Weston Fuller died in office None
1910-Dec-19 Chief Justice Edward Douglass White sworn in White
1911-Apr-4 62nd Congress convened
1912-Jan-6 New Mexico admitted 47
1912-Feb-14 Arizona admitted 48
1912-Oct-30 Vice President James Sherman died in office (age 57) None
1913-Feb-3 Amendment XVI (Authorizing income tax) ratified
1913-Mar-4 Wilson/Marshall sworn in (1912 election) 28. Woodrow Wilson - Democrat
(b. Thomas Woodrow Wilson,
December 28, 1856, Staunton, VA)
28. Thomas Riley Marshall
(b. March 14, 1854, North Manchester, IN)
1913-Apr-7 63rd Congress convened
1913-Apr-8 Amendment XVII (Amending procedure for electing Senators) ratified
1914-Jun-14 Former Vice President Adlai Stevenson died (age 78)
1915-Dec-6 64th Congress convened
1917-Mar-4 Wilson/Marshall sworn in (1916 election)
1917-Apr-2 65th Congress convened
1917-Apr-6 United States declared war on Germany (World War I)*
1917-Dec-7 United States declared war on Austria-Hungary (World War I)*
1918-Jun-4 Former Vice President Charles Fairbanks died (age 66)
1919-Jan-6 Former President Theodore Roosevelt died (age 60) 1
1919-Jan-16 Amendment XVIII (Alcohol prohibition) ratified
1919-May-19 66th Congress convened
1920-May-16 Former Vice President Levi Morton died (age 96)
1920-Aug-18 Amendment XIX (Gender-neutral suffrage) ratified
1921-Mar-4 Harding/Coolidge sworn in (1920 election) 29. Warren Gamaliel Harding - Republican
(b. November 2, 1865, Corsica [now Blooming Grove], OH)
29. Calvin Coolidge
(30th President)
1921-Apr-11 67th Congress convened
1921-May-19 Chief Justice Edward Douglass White died in office None
1921-Jul-11 Chief Justice William Howard Taft sworn in Taft
1923-Aug-2 President Warren Harding died (age 57) in office (stroke) 30. Calvin Coolidge - Republican
(b. John Calvin Coolidge,
July 4, 1872, Plymouth, VT)
1923-Aug-3 Calvin Coolidge sworn in as President
1923-Dec-3 68th Congress convened
1924-Feb-3 Former President Woodrow Wilson died (age 67) 1
1925-Mar-4 Coolidge/Dawes sworn in (1924 election) 30. Charles Gates Dawes
(b. August 27, 1865, Marietta, OH)
1925-Jun-1 Former Vice President Thomas Marshall died (age 71)
1925-Dec-7 69th Congress convened
1927-Dec-5 70th Congress convened
1929-Mar-4 Hoover/Curtis sworn in (1928 election) 31. Herbert Clark Hoover - Republican
(b. August 10, 1874, West Branch, IA)
31. Charles Curtis
(b. January 25, 1860, Topeka, KS)
1929-Apr-15 71st Congress convened
1930-Feb-3 Chief Justice William Howard Taft resigned None
1930-Feb-24 Chief Justice Charlies Evans Hughes sworn in Hughes
1930-Mar-8 Former President William Taft died (age 72) 1
1931-Dec-7 72nd Congress convened
1933-Jan-5 Former President Calvin Coolidge died (age 60) 0
1933-Jan-23 Amendment XX (Altering terms for President and Congress) ratified
1933-Mar-4 Roosevelt/Garner sworn in (1932 election) 32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Democrat
(b. January 30, 1882, Hyde Park, NY)
32. John Nance Garner
(b. November 22, 1868, near Detroit, TX)
1933-Mar-9 73rd Congress convened
1933-Dec-5 Amendment XXI (Repeal of alcohol prohibition) ratified
1935-Jan-3 74th Congress convened
1936-Feb-8 Former Vice President Charles Curtis died (age 76)
1937-Jan-5 75th Congress convened
1937-Jan-20 Roosevelt/Garner sworn in (1936 election)
1939-Jan-3 76th Congress convened
1941-Jan-3 77th Congress convened
1941-Jan-20 Roosevelt/Wallace sworn in (1940 election) 33. Henry Agard Wallace
(b. October 7, 1888, near Orient, IA)
1941-Jun-30 Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes resigned None
1941-Jul-3 Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone sworn in Stone
1941-Dec-8 United States declared war on Japan (World War II)*
1941-Dec-11 United States declared war on Germany (World War II)*
1941-Dec-11 United States declared war on Italy (World War II)*
1942-Jun-5 United States declared war on Bulgaria (World War II)*
1942-Jun-5 United States declared war on Hungary (World War II)*
1942-Jun-5 United States declared war on Rumania (World War II)*
1943-Jan-6 78th Congress convened
1945-Jan-3 79th Congress convened
1945-Jan-20 Roosevelt/Truman sworn in (1944 election) 34. Harry S Truman
(33rd President)
1945-Apr-12 President Franklin Roosevelt died (age 63) in office (cerebral hemorrhage) 33. Harry S Truman - Democrat
(b. May 8, 1884, Lamar, MO)
1945-Apr-12 Harry Truman sworn in as President
1946-Apr-22 Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone died in office None
1946-Jun-24 Chief Justice Fred Moore Vinson sworn in Vinson
1947-Jan-3 80th Congress convened
1949-Jan-3 81st Congress convened
1949-Jan-20 Truman/Barkley sworn in (1948 election) 35. Alben William Barkley
(b. November 24, 1877, near Lowes, KY)
1951-Jan-3 82nd Congress convened
1951-Feb-27 Amendment XXII (Presidential term limits) ratified
1951-Apr-23 Former Vice President Charles Dawes died (age 85)
1953-Jan-3 83rd Congress convened
1953-Jan-20 Eisenhower/Nixon sworn in (1952 election) 34. Dwight David Eisenhower - Republican
(b. David Dwight Eisenhower,
October 14, 1890, Denison, TX)
36. Richard Milhous Nixon
(37th President)
1953-Sep-8 Chief Justice Fred Moore Vinson died in office None
1953-Oct-5 Chief Justice Earl Warren sworn in Warren
1955-Jan-5 84th Congress convened
1956-Apr-30 Former Vice President Alben Barkley died (age 78)
1957-Jan-3 85th Congress convened
1957-Jan-20 Eisenhower/Nixon sworn in (1956 election)
1959-Jan-3 Alaska admitted 49
1959-Jan-7 86th Congress convened
1959-Aug-21 Hawaii admitted 50
1961-Jan-3 87th Congress convened
1961-Jan-20 Kennedy/Johnson sworn in (1960 election) 35. John Fitzgerald Kennedy - Democrat
(b. May 29, 1917, Brookline, MA)
37. Lyndon Baines Johnson
(36th President)
1961-Mar-29 Amendment XXIII (Presidential vote for DC) ratified 50+*
1963-Jan-9 88th Congress convened
1963-Nov-22 President John Kennedy died (age 46) in office (assassination) 36. Lyndon Baines Johnson - Democrat
(b. August 27, 1908, Stonewall, TX)
1963-Nov-22 Lyndon Johnson sworn in as President
1964-Jan-23 Amendment XXIV (Abolish poll tax for federal offices) ratified
1964-Oct-20 Former President Herbert Hoover died (age 90) 2
1965-Jan-4 89th Congress convened
1965-Jan-20 Johnson/Humphrey sworn in (1964 election) 38. Hubert Horatio Humphrey
(b. May 27, 1911, Wallace, SD)
1965-Nov-18 Former Vice President Henry Wallace died (age 77)
1967-Jan-10 90th Congress convened
1967-Feb-10 Amendment XXV (Altering procedures for Presidential succession) ratified
1967-Nov-7 Former Vice President John Garner died (age 98)
1969-Jan-3 91st Congress convened
1969-Jan-20 Nixon/Agnew sworn in (1968 election) 37. Richard Milhous Nixon - Republican
(b. January 9, 1913, Yorba Linda, CA)
39. Spiro Theodore Agnew
(b. November 9, 1918, Baltimore, MD)
1969-Mar-28 Former President Dwight Eisenhower died (age 78) 2
1969-Jun-23 Chief Justice Earl Warren resigned None
1969-Jun-23 Chief Justice Warren Earl Burger sworn in Burger
1971-Jan-21 92nd Congress convened
1971-Jul-1 Amendment XXVI (Voting age 18) ratified
1972-Dec-26 Former President Harry Truman died (age 88) 1
1973-Jan-3 93rd Congress convened
1973-Jan-20 Nixon/Agnew sworn in (1972 election)
1973-Jan-22 Former President Lyndon Johnson died (age 64) 0
1973-Oct-10 Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned None
1973-Dec-6 Gerald Ford sworn in as Vice President 40. Gerald Rudolph Ford
(38th President)
1974-Aug-9 President Richard Nixon resigned 38. Gerald Rudolph Ford - Republican
(b. Leslie Lynch King, Jr.,
July 14, 1913, Omaha, NE)
None 1
1974-Aug-9 Gerald Ford sworn in as President
1974-Dec-19 Nelson Rockefeller sworn in as Vice President 41. Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller
(b. July 8, 1908, Bar Harbor, ME)
1975-Jan-14 94th Congress convened
1977-Jan-4 95th Congress convened
1977-Jan-20 Carter/Mondale sworn in (1976 election) 39. James Earl Carter, Jr. - Democrat
(b. October 1, 1924, Plains, GA)
42. Walter Frederick Mondale
(b. January 25, 1928, Ceylon, MN)
1978-Jan-13 Former Vice President Hubert Humphrey died (age 66)
1979-Jan-15 96th Congress convened
1979-Jan-26 Former Vice President Nelson Rockefeller died (age 70)
1981-Jan-5 97th Congress convened
1981-Jan-20 Reagan/Bush sworn in (1980 election) 40. Ronald Wilson Reagan - Republican
(b. February 6, 1911, Tampico, IL)
43. George Herbert Walker Bush
(41st President)
1983-Jan-3 98th Congress convened
1985-Jan-3 99th Congress convened
1985-Jan-20 Reagan/Bush sworn in (1984 election)
1985-Jul-13 Vice President Bush served as Acting President while President Reagan underwent surgery for colon cancer
1986-Sep-26 Chief Justice Warren Earl Burger resigned None
1986-Sep-26 Chief Justice William Hubbs Rehnquist sworn in Rehnquist
1987-Jan-6 100th Congress convened
1989-Jan-3 101st Congress convened
1989-Jan-20 Bush/Quayle sworn in (1988 election) 41. George Herbert Walker Bush - Republican
(b. June 12, 1924, Milton, MA)
44. James Danforth Quayle III
(b. February 4, 1947, Indianapolis, IN)
1991-Jan-3 102nd Congress convened
1992-May-7 Amendment XXVII (Restricting Congressional pay changes) ratified*
1993-Jan-5 103rd Congress convened
1993-Jan-20 Clinton/Gore sworn in (1992 election) 42. William Jefferson Clinton - Democrat
(b. William Jefferson Blythe III,
August 19, 1946, Hope, AR)
45. Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.
(b. March 31, 1948, Washington, DC)
1994-Apr-22 Former President Richard Nixon died (age 81) 4
1995-Jan-4 104th Congress convened
1996-Sep-17 Former Vice President Spiro Agnew died (age 77)
1997-Jan-7 105th Congress convened
1997-Jan-20 Clinton/Gore sworn in (1996 election)
1998-Dec-19 President William Clinton impeached (2 articles of impeachment)*
1999-Jan-6 106th Congress convened
1999-Feb-12 President William Clinton acquitted on both articles of impeachment
2001-Jan-3 107th Congress convened
2001-Jan-20 Bush/Cheney sworn in (2000 election) 43. George Walker Bush - Republican
(b. July 6, 1946, New Haven, CT)
46. Richard Bruce Cheney
(b. January 30, 1941, Lincoln, NE)
2002-Jun-29 Vice President Cheney served as Acting President while President Bush underwent a colonoscopy
2003-Jan-7 108th Congress convened
2004-Jun-5 Former President Ronald Reagan died (age 93) 4
2005-Jan-4 109th Congress convened
2005-Jan-20 Bush/Cheney sworn in (2004 election)
2005-Sep-3 Chief Justice William Hubbs Rehnquist died in office None
2005-Sep-29 Chief Justice John Glover Roberts, Jr. sworn in Roberts
2006-Dec-26 Former President Gerald Ford died (age 93) 3
2007-Jan-04 110th Congress convened
2009-Jan-06 111th Congress convened
2009-Jan-20 Obama/Biden sworn in (2008 election) 44. Barack Hussein Obama II - Democrat
(b. August 4, 1961, Honolulu, HI)
47. Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.
(b. November 20, 1942, Scranton, PA)

* - Notes:

Last updated January 9, 2009.

Notable Dates in the History of the Government of the United States of America / Copyright © 2002-2009, Jeffrey A. Wolfe /