The Chronicles of the Cârnford Adventurers

Author's Note

Table of Contents | Proceed to Chapter One

This project started as a way to get experience points in our role-playing game sessions. The objective was to keep a log of our characters' exploits, available for everyone to read. And my character would get actual experience if I did it. Being the net.geek that I am, I decided to play around with making it a web document(s) as well. This is the result.

The Chronicles are by no means a complete record of our characters' adventures. We began gaming before Chapter One, and will probably continue after this project bites the dust. But it does give you a little window into the lives of our alter-egos. Enjoy.

The setting for the game is the universe of Roger Zelazny's Amber book series. Most of the characters involved are enhanced versions of ourselves, transported in space and/or time (and/or shadow) to the principality of Cârnford in a shadow of Corwin's pattern.

For those gamers who are interested--when the Chronicles began, we were using a hybrid rules system that combined the rules from second edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, the Amber diceless gaming system, and the Game Master's own variations. As the game has progressed, we have moved away from AD&D, and we are now almost exclusively using Amber gaming rules (as modified by the GM, of course). As of this writing (early January, 1996), the only thing left to convert is the spells used by the mages, which we are in the process of doing.

Final Note: Shortly after the above was written, the project did in fact bite the dust. Shortly thereafter, our gaming sessions followed. Coincidence? You decide. But notwithstanding any notes that say that something will be added in the future, this site is no longer being maintained.

Table of Contents | Proceed to Chapter One

The Chronicles of the Cârnford Adventurers / Copyright © 1995-1996, Jeffrey A. Wolfe /