The Chronicles of the Cârnford Adventurers

Chapter One

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(Mundane Date: November 1994)

At the urging of Maaz (mäz), we began tracking an object causing a rift between our shadow and another. The object was apparently from our shadow, and it was located in the other. We traveled ethereally, coming out in the other shadow, which was a shadow very similar to our own. We located an inn (The Warren House Inn), and were able to determine from a newspaper that we were in Dartmoor (därt¹mor´), England, and the date was Tuesday, May 26, 1992.

Following the trail of the mysterious object, we ended up in London. We tracked the object of our quest down to the tunnels under a subway track crossing the river Thames (tèmz).

While considering our options in London, we went shopping, then later that night, visited a night club. We encountered a flashy, and apparently famous, rock star named Zenith (zèn¹ith), accompanied by his manager, Eddie McPhail (èd¹ê mek-fâl¹). Zenith was widely considered to be a superhuman, a fact we later confirmed. One of us attempted a mind link with Zenith, and he attacked. After no small amount of chaos, we managed to get order restored, while neither causing nor suffering any major injuries.

Most of the party went to the library and found that Zenith's real name was Robert, and he lived in the Docklands (dòk¹làndz). Also, research determined that the object we were trying to obtain was likely a ancient Nordic horn called the Gallor Horn (gàl¹er hôrn), which had recently been stolen from the British Museum. Despite ample opportunity to take other things from the museum, the horn was the only object stolen.

We also discovered that the shadow we were in had diverged from our own some time during World War II. In this shadow, Germany developed a serum that was capable of turning fetuses into superhumans. The British acquired (i.e. stole) the technology and began creating their own superhumans. World War II culminated with a battle between the British Maxi-Man and the German Master-Man, both of whom were killed when the Enola Gay dropped a nuclear bomb on Berlin.

After the war, the British continued the research, and ended up with a team of seven superhumans who they formed into a superhuman military unit called Cloud Nine. The seven rebelled against the establishment.

We found a book on Cloud Nine, which discussed the fate of the seven. Two of them had a child, the person we know as Zenith, and were later killed in a car accident. One of the others apparently fell into a mirror and never returned. Another one of them disappeared, and is presumed dead. One of them spontaneously exploded. One of them, Ruby Fox, was still alive and working as a fashion designer. And the final one was a member of parliament, a conservative in the House of Commons, and serving as Minister of Defense. Genetic research had since been outlawed, pretty much around the world. Also, the scientist who headed up the Cloud Nine project was still alive.

While most of us were researching at the library, a couple of us bombed British Telecom, claiming to be the I.R.A. This disrupted the phone system, and enabled us to enter the tunnels under the Thames disguised as phone workers.

We located the still-unidentified object--it was encased in a strange sphere just over four feet in diameter. Our attempts to penetrate the sphere revealed that the sphere severs any matter that contacts it for more than a brief period of time. By hurling Maaz through the sphere in many different forms, including that of an armadillo, we discovered a plastic box about 12 inches by 8 inches by 8 to 12 inches inside the sphere. All attempts to retrieve the box or the item inside it failed.

We surmised that since the object did not radiate magic, it must be technological in nature. The sphere radiated light energy on all spectra we could detect, including normal, ultraviolet, and infrared. It also gently sucked air into it from the surrounding area.

After unsuccessfully trying to penetrate the sphere, we visited Eddie at his office. Unlike Zenith, Eddie was a normal human, and we were able to probe his mind without difficulty; we determined that Eddie knew nothing. While questioning Eddie, we noticed two people apparently floating or flying outside of his office window. One was dressed in black, and the other in red, and they were both female. We were not able to see them clearly to get more details.

We then went to see Zenith at his apartment in the Docklands. We questioned Zenith, wisely refraining from attempting another mind probe. On certain issues, Zenith was very evasive. Zenith claimed to know nothing about the horn. We learned that Zenith had recently been attacked by an eight foot tall robotic-like creature with shining armor. Zenith had escaped with the assistance of a person or persons who he refused to identify.

Immediately after we talked to Zenith, he was abducted in the elevator in his apartment by a similar robotic-like creature, which seemed to refer to itself as Archie. A ball-bearing was discovered left behind in the elevator; one of us stashed it in a pouch from which it later disappeared. We also considered noteworthy a granite pyramid that Zenith had claimed was a paperweight. Approximately 8 inches in height with a square base, we kept it to see if it radiated magic.

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The Chronicles of the Cârnford Adventurers / Copyright © 1995-1996, Jeffrey A. Wolfe /